B-The one to make a difference learn with CPR, First Aid, Asthma & Anaphylaxis Management with B-Ready First Aid.
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In March it is Epilepsy awareness month, but I think we should always be learning and aware. What do you think. Please subscribe Epilepsy Queensland Inc (Est 1969) is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their carers & families through advocacy, research, support and information. Find out more on their web site Epilepsy QLD
Seizures are scary enough with out them occurring in water. Check out this refresher on how to manage one.
It is not always clear how to assist in this situation. Epilepsy Queensland web site has valuable information.
A Tonic Clonic Seizure is the newer name for a Grand Mal..... (one of the most severe) B-The one to make a difference know how to provide first aid & B-Ready!
It's that time of year in Australia again & there are a lot of viruses around. Hope this is timely information as this can be so very scary.
Febrile Convulsion management while a child is seizing is exactly the same, however the care for reducing their temperature is imperative to learn. B-Ready First Aid
B-Ready First Aid would like you to refresh your knowledge and not use anything in a casualties mouth during a seizure.
B-Ready First Aid's guide to Focal Seizure also known as Complex Partial Seizures. Learn even more at Epilepsy Queensland
http://www.epilepsyqueensland.com.au |
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